Friday, August 31, 2012

Harm None?

Merry Meet!

Today I want to start with a quote. Because I am struggling a bit with some of my new learning. Perhaps you could help me?

"Normal is an illusion. What is normal to the spider is chaos for the fly." -Morticia Adams

I understand that I should only do spellwork for myself. And that I shouldn't do any work out of anger or frustration or revenge. Which makes complete sense to me. But when I do any spellwork, won't it change everything? Perhaps I did a spell for prosperity. I then receive more business than usual from my job. Wouldn't that take business away from someone, somewhere in the world?

Am I thinking too broadly? Am I assuming responsibility for the whole universe? Which is sort of presumptuous of me but do I not have a responsibility to all things to be judicious in my work?

Just a thought for today.. How do I do things in my life to affect positive change without negatively effecting others? How exactly do you harm none?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blog under construction!

Merry Meet!

I am no good at the designing of blogs. I know nothing about codes and pixels, completely new to clip art and blogging in general. So if you think my layout is less than exciting, I wholeheartedly agree! So I am under construction until I find the right layout and the right look.

Thanks for sticking with me through the bland period!!

Magick Allie

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Meet Me, Magick Allie!

Merry Meet!

I want this blog to chronicle my journey away from the mainstream and into my studies on magick. I have always felt like there was something pulling me to be different. I think it started with my love of rocks. I would spend the entirety of my recess in elementary school collecting rocks from the playground. Squirreling them away in my pockets to take out and wonder over later. I didn't care if they were brown creek rocks, they were special to me. I have always felt this way. I have always loved the energy that comes from the earth.

I wasn't raised in a particularly religious household, my parents didn't go to church so I wasn't forced into religion. I had friends that tried to pull me in, telling me that it was wrong to not be Christian. That not believing in God would send me straight to Hell and that it didn't matter what I did, I was a sinner. That just didn't jive with me. I am not inherently bad because I am alive, or female for that matter. So after a few attempts to go to church and see what it was all about, I realized it just didn't fit with me.

It wasn't until my mid-20s that I made a friend that was Wicca. She and I talked at length about how I felt like there was something but it certainly wasn't a Christian point of view. She lent me "The Power of the Witch" by Laurie Cabot. I dove into it and it felt right. I understood what she was talking about, just knowing you were different. So I went out and found a magick store and bought as many books as I could find. I read and read. Started researching deities. Started buying candles. Immersed myself in anything magickal I could find. I was alive. I had something to believe in. It was wonderful.

After a while, my friend and I parted ways. She was a fun hipster who hung out at bars and wooed band boys. I was married and planning on babies. Life took over, procreating should have made me more passionate about the magick in my life, but I just found I had no time. As we planned for our second baby, we realized that the spare bedroom had to be converted from office space to living space. After really struggling with how I felt about magick, the books, and where to put the baby, I donated all of my books to Goodwill. Knowing I had nowhere to put them and even less time to study them, I let them go. So that maybe someone else out there could feel alive like I did for a while.

I knew I missed the magick. But I didn't realize how much I missed it until a mommy group friend introduced her to a friend of hers. We hit it off and I realized what I had been missing! I started to feel alive again. Like I wasn't a freak for feeling this way. I felt like I had come home. It was wonderful. So, I have started slowly rebuilding my book collection. Starting my Book of Shadows again. I have even tried a little charm, and it worked! I still have magick in me! I am so thrilled to be witchy again!

So, this is me, Magick Allie. I hope you enjoy my little ramblings!