It's Tuesday! Which can only mean one thing, Rock-in' Tuesday! Like I said last week, I love rocks! River rocks, semi-precious, any kind, I just love them all!
It's planetary association is Mars and it is associated with the element of Earth. It is a powerful healing stone. Bloodstone is also helpful in matters of courage and strength. According to, bloodstone can help with healing emotional trauma, blood disorders, and recovery post surgery. Scott Cunningham tells us that bloodstone is popular among athletes because of its ability to increase physical strength. And bloodstone also can be worn to lend courage and calm fears. An all around powerful stone!
Do you have any specific experience with bloodstone that you would like to offer? Please, add it in the comments!
Just a reminder, I am not a doctor. If you have serious health conditions, you should seek the attention of a licensed medical professional. I truly believe in the power of stones for healing, but I also believe in medical attention when it is necessary.

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