Saturday, September 8, 2012

I joined FaceBook!

Image courtesy of
Merry Meet!
I have an actual FaceBook page for my 'in the broomcloset' life but I started a new one for my Magick life so that I can connect with other witchy people without worry of attack from my non-witchy friends. Some are very religous people, I love 'em anyhow. We all have to find our own path, right?

So look for me, I am Magick Allie there. If you find a winter scene with a redhead walking away as the profile pic, you've found me! Send me a friend request and let's chat Magick!!
Have an awesome weekend! And tune in on Tuesday for Rock-in'Tuesday, my weekly crystal post!

p.s. If you like what you are reading so far, mention my blog on yours if you don't mind! I need some followers so we can have all kinds of witchy fun!


  1. Broommmmm!!! I just followed you.I am sure to be mesmerized by your witchy spells :)

  2. Tried finding you on FB, no luck. :(

  3. Oh no! :( Search me this way, It should take you straight to me! Sorry for the problem!
