Saturday, September 29, 2012

Color Magick

Merry Meet!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend! I am enjoying the much cooler temperatures here and the feeling that autumn really is on it's way. My absolute favorite time of year! All the beautiful colors as the leaves change and shed their summer greens. Blazing reds and yellows just make me feel more alive. And certainly more witchy! So, for the fun fall colors we're going to chat about color magick.

Thanks moon and shadow!
Here we go!

Pink is for affection, friendship, and children's magick. So light a pink candle to send some good vibes to a friend in need.

Red is, of course, the color for love and passion. It's also good for courage. The element of Fire claims this color. Date night? Wear your sexy red dress of course!

Orange helps with increasing energy and vitality. It also represents the harvest. This is the perfect time of year to display bright orange pumpkins to celebrate the harvest and your own personal blessings.

Green can be used for prosperity, health, or gardening. It is also representative of the Earth. I enjoy lighting green candles for continued prosperity and health.

Blue represents Water, peace and healing. Paint your bedroom blue for tranquility.

Purple is great for increasing your personal power and psychic power. Wear purple during spellwork for an added boost.

Brown is great for garden magick. Simply putting your hands in the soil is a great way to work with this color.

Black represents protection and helps banish negativity. Light a black candle to get rid of negative energies in your space.

White is an all purpose color. It can be substituted for any other color. It also promotes peace, calm, and happiness. White candles lit in your house can help keep the peace. And my favorite wine is white wine, it always makes me feel peaceful.. lol.

Silver can be used to represent the Goddess and the Moon. Silver jewelry can be worn during Full Moon spellwork.

Gold is representative of the Sun and the God. Wear it when you need the sun's boost of energy.

You can use color magick in your wardrobe, in your candles, in the decoration of your house. Colors are powerful and useful. How do you use color magick to enhance your daily life?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yeah, But Why?

Merry Meet!

"Yeah, but why?" This is a question I get from Big Magick, 3 years old, a lot. Sometimes it gets on my nerves, sometimes it gives me the opportunity to explain things that he otherwise wouldn't have had a chance to learn about. A reader mentioned to me that in the Jewish faith, this week begins a time of reflection (and fasting, but I am not nice on no food.). So, in honor of that, I will answer my sweet son's question, "yeah, but why?"

I tried to be Christian, I tried. I tried to read the bible, tried out some different churches, asked questions. But it just never felt right. It was like trying to wear shoes someone else had broken in first. The shoes looked like they would fit, but just won't ever be comfortable. I thought maybe any belief system just wasn't for me at all. Maybe I was Athiest? But that didn't feel right either. I know there is something. I just never could put my finger on it. Until I came across Paganism. It fit like the most perfect pair of blue jeans, comfortable as if someone else had broken them in for me, but made in a way that they could only have been made for my body. I finally had something to believe in.

But why? Why do I believe in magick when I couldn't believe in other things? I think to me, magick and Paganism just make sense, what you put out is what you get back. Makes sense. All things are connected and therefore responsible for each other. Makes sense. Focusing energy in a specific direction to affect change. Makes sense. To me, it just makes sense to light candles in gratitude or carry a specific stone in your pocket. To me, it makes sense to send healing energy to people who aren't well. All of those things just seem to work for me.

I try to be the best person I can be. The best mom, wife, friend. Not the 'perfect' person, the most morally responsible, genuine person I can be. Magick allows me to be better than I was before. Not because I am 'magically' absolved from wrong doing or morally somehow better because I identify deity within myself. Just because it makes me happier believing what I believe. It makes me feel like I can affect positive change in my environment. It makes me the best version of me.

So, dear reader, that's but why. :)

Bright Blessings.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rock-in' Tuesday

Merry Meet!

It's my favorite day of the week, Rock-in' Tuesday! Today we are going to chat about an exceptionally versatile stone, Clear Quartz! I will also list some of the more popular colored quartz at the end.
Courtesy of

Clear Quartz (or Quartz Crystal):
Because of it's varying colors and inclusions, it is ruled by both the Sun and Moon, and relates to the elements Fire and Water. A stone that wears many hats, it can be used for Healing, Spiritual Development, and Lactation, among other things.

Quartz crystal can be placed on painful parts of the body to promote healing, it can also safely be added to infusions or tinctures to make them more effective. Quartz can also be used to cure headache. 

On the topic of health, Quartz Crystals can also be helpful for lactating mothers. Have the mother carry a quartz crystal (perhaps in a necklace so it is near the breasts) or place a crystal on the baby to help lactation and digestion of breast milk.

Clear Quartz can also be used on the altar to amplify your magick. It can be placed under pillows to aid in psychic communication during sleep, and it can be used as an instrument in scrying.  

A few other notable types of crystal quartz:
Herkimer Diamonds, which are small double terminated quartz crystals can be used in place of diamonds.
Rose Quartz, a love stone, promotes peace and fidelity in relationships.
Smokey Quartz can help elevate mood.

Just a reminder, I am not a doctor. If you have serious health conditions, you should seek the attention of a licensed medical professional. I truly believe in the power of stones for healing, but I also believe in medical attention when it is necessary.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Broom Closet

Merry Meet!

Are you in the broom closet? Know anyone who is? There are so many reasons to hide your faith, not only Paganism or being a Witch.. So much intolerance in the world that sometimes we feel pressured to conform to societal norms just so that we can practice in peace. I know I do. I am not a product of intolerance, thankfully. I just know my family wouldn't understand. I use broad terms like 'the universe' and don't ever reference 'God' directly so I believe that they have an idea that I am a bit different, I always have been.

I found an old book floating around my middle school library, it was a spell book. A friend and I kept it checked out the entire year, and vowed to pay the fine for 'losing' the book at the end of the year. I think that it ended up being returned and probably taken out of circulation once the head librarian realized what it was. In my teen years, I was drawn to stones and their meanings. I also had a deck of rune cards that I became pretty adept at reading. All of these things stayed hidden, not out of fear that I would be punished, but out of a realization that it was different from what my parents believed in. And I wasn't one to rock the boat.

Even as an adult, married with two boys, I am in the broom closet pretty securely. I have a few close friends that know and of course my husband, but that's it. And really, I am okay with it. One day perhaps I will come out and shout it from the rooftops, but for now I'm good with not a lot of people knowing.

Are you in the broom closet? Happily or not? Comment and let me know how you feel about keeping things secret or letting it all hang out!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Merry Mabon!

Merry Meet!

It's Mabon, or the Autumn Equinox, when day and night are of the same length. The crops are being harvested and we are looking forward to sweaters, falling leaves, and the general beauty of autumn. It is a time to reflect and express gratitude for the sunlight, the bountiful crops, and all of the blessings you have enjoyed along the year.

Mabon is a great time for spells focusing on balance and harmony. It is also a time of change, making protection, wealth, and prosperity spells a good choice.

Image from
It is our Thanksgiving. I am thankful for so many things this Mabon. My husband and boys, our home, being able to finally take charge of my health and healing both the inside and outside of myself. The opportunity to try out being a stay at home mom...Friends both near and far that I couldn't make it without, I love you ladies more than I could ever express. New friends that I am making through embracing who I am fully, thanks for making me feel less alone in the world! I truly am fortunate. This evening I plan on lighting a candle for the universe, in gratitude, and lighting one for the continued prosperity of my family.

What are your plans for this Autumn Equinox? Any special meals planned or rituals? I am researching recipes for dinner tonight. Just because The Baptist and the Magicks don't practice with me, doesn't mean they can't reap the benefit of a meal created in gratitude!

Merry Mabon all, and Blessed Be!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rock-in' Tuesday!

Merry Meet!

It is Tuesday! Its quickly becoming my favorite day of the week because I get to share with you a little more about the magickal properties of stones and crystals. Check out this post and this post for my other Rock-in' Tuesday entries!

Carnelian is ruled by the Sun and the element of fire. It is a protective stone, it guards against those who try to read your thoughts. It also helps the wearer be more courageous. Wearing or carrying carnelian can help with public speaking. It calms and strengthens the voice and helps you be more eloquent in your speech.

Carnelian is one of my favorite stones. I am just drawn to it. Please share your experiences with the beautiful stone!

Just a reminder, I am not a doctor. If you have serious health conditions, you should seek the attention of a licensed medical professional. I truly believe in the power of stones for healing, but I also believe in medical attention when it is necessary.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Following Your Path Part 2

Merry meet!

Sorry about the impromptu day off yesterday. I had a busy end to the week and was positively exhausted. And the house was a disaster. I haven't figured out how to magick my broom and vacuum cleaner to life yet so I had to do it myself. ;) Okay, back to business...

Thank you Glances At Nature
Divination I completely believe in. But not in a 'your-life-is-already-written-out' way. I believe that people can see paths you take if you choose one thing over another. It can absolutely change if you change your mind. For lack of a better explanation, the way Alice sees the future in the movie Twilight. Did I just go there???? lol! I have always felt this way, it wasn't inspired by a film, but it does express what I believe in.

I am horrible at Tarot. I have owned 2 decks and was useless with both. I had a set of rune cards as a teen that I was pretty accurate with so I think when I am ready to go into study for divination I will absolutely go that direction first and use rune stones. I can't see myself scrying yet or using a pendulum. Perhaps in the future, I have lots of witchy years ahead of me.

Spell work is something I am absolutely in love with. I love that I can pour myself into something, and put it in motion through herbs, plants, oils, and stones. I have a great friend who is my herbal guru, she always has answers to my questions and is really getting me into the use of essential oils. I have really enjoyed the little bit of spell work I have tried so far. It really helps me feel in tune with my witchiness. It puts action to my thoughts. I really believe spell work is like prayer, concentrated energy toward a positive goal.

So I will share a little prosperity charm that I learned from one of the books I have been reading... It is exceptionally easy! All you do is fill a small pot halfway with water and set it to boil. When it starts boiling, add allspice and clove (you can also use just one or the other), either whole or ground. I like to use whole personally, it is what I have on hand. While it boils, speak a rhyme thanking the god(s)/universe and asking for prosperity. I prefer not to share my exact rhyme. When the water has almost boiled away. Turn off the stove, let the remaining water and spices cool and return it to the earth, thanking your god/goddess. The best time to try this out is a Thursday or Sunday.

I hope you have fun with this and experience lots of prosperity! See you tomorrow!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Taking the day off..

Merry Meet!

I know that I am supposed to be telling you all kinds of fun things today. But I am beat. I have had a super busy week and it wouldn't be fair to half-ass a post about something that could be really awesome. So, I am going to do my best to work on today's post between naps and housework I need to catch up on and publish it tomorrow for ya!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Finding your path

Merry Meet!
Amazing photography courtesy of High Life Images

Today I want to talk about finding your path. It seems to me, the biggest hurdle when you leave mainstream religion for our road less travelled, is finding YOUR path. There are so many ways to go, you can be Wicca, Pagan, a Witch. My first thought starting out was, 'isn't it all the same?'. If you are Wiccan, then you are a pagan who practices witchcraft, right? No. Not even close.

You have to look at things like pantheons. Do you feel drawn to a polytheistic path? If so, is it Celtic or Egyptian, Greek or Roman? But what if you don't feel drawn to many deities? Is there only one god? Two? Three? What if even then you don't believe in a 'god' of sorts. That there isn't a mystical person or people running it all? That's where I fall. I believe in nature, in the interconnectedness of all living things. We, all togther, are divine. I don't know how I got here. But in my heart, that's how I interpret the divinity.

After I spent time contemplating the whole god(s) situation, I started to look at things like crystals, healing, divination, herbs, spellwork. Trying to figure out where I stood with them. Crystals, oh man, I love rocks. As you've seen from my Rock-in' Tuesday posts, I love rocks. Since I can remember I have loved rocks. The way they are each absolutely individual, they way they are shaped by the other stones in their environment, they way their environment shaped them. They have distinct personalities. Some rocks want to be touched, carried with you, worn. Some, don't. They want to be left alone. I have a personal goal to learn how to heal using the energy of crystals. I will be saving my money to take some coursework from Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. Her classes look ah-mazing! I can't wait!

In the interest of not taking up all your time discussing the rest, I will save that for my Sunday post... I will talk about what I feel with divination, herbs, and spellwork. All of which I am excited to learn about! Maybe I will even throw in a little charm that I used that worked beautifully!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rock-in' Tuesday!

Merry Meet!

It's Tuesday! Which can only mean one thing, Rock-in' Tuesday! Like I said last week, I love rocks! River rocks, semi-precious, any kind, I just love them all!

It's planetary association is Mars and it is associated with the element of Earth. It is a powerful healing stone. Bloodstone is also helpful in matters of courage and strength. According to, bloodstone can help with healing emotional trauma, blood disorders, and recovery post surgery. Scott Cunningham tells us that bloodstone is popular among athletes because of its ability to increase physical strength. And bloodstone also can be worn to lend courage and calm fears. An all around powerful stone!

Do you have any specific experience with bloodstone that you would like to offer? Please, add it in the comments!

Just a reminder, I am not a doctor. If you have serious health conditions, you should seek the attention of a licensed medical professional. I truly believe in the power of stones for healing, but I also believe in medical attention when it is necessary.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

I joined FaceBook!

Image courtesy of
Merry Meet!
I have an actual FaceBook page for my 'in the broomcloset' life but I started a new one for my Magick life so that I can connect with other witchy people without worry of attack from my non-witchy friends. Some are very religous people, I love 'em anyhow. We all have to find our own path, right?

So look for me, I am Magick Allie there. If you find a winter scene with a redhead walking away as the profile pic, you've found me! Send me a friend request and let's chat Magick!!
Have an awesome weekend! And tune in on Tuesday for Rock-in'Tuesday, my weekly crystal post!

p.s. If you like what you are reading so far, mention my blog on yours if you don't mind! I need some followers so we can have all kinds of witchy fun!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Meet my magickal family!

Merry Meet!
I am suffering a bit of writers block due to some intense crystal study this week! I am trying to create my notes in an easily accessible file on the computer, which ended up taking the shape of a 50 page document translated from my written notes. I got a little excited, lol. Each Tuesday I will be sharing some of my Rock Doc in the form of Rock-in Tuesday.

Today, I am going to talk about the 'boys' part of my blog. I have two little magicks, big magick who is 3 and a half and so so sweet. He loves cars and trains, Caillou (ugh!), and his mommy. He is fascinated with 'magic tricks' he carries a sparkly pencil around 'poofing' things. I think it's adorable. My little magick is full of piss and vinegar already,lol. He is 14 months old. He's going to have it his way or no way. He enjoys harassing his big brother, anything I am eating, and airplanes.

The biggest magick in the house isn't magick at all, he's Baptist. So from here on out, we'll be calling him The Baptist. Luckily he doesn't spend his days testifying or anything... He just likes what he believes in and we have a mutual respect for each other's beliefs. The Baptist spends his days cheffing. That does not mean we eat well, I do an insane amount of cooking to be married to a chef.. lol.

I am so fortunate to have The Baptist. We are going to raise the boys with both sets of beliefs when they're ready. Big magick is getting small doses as he's seen some candles lit and loves to blow them out. Sorry Goddess!!! But you're a mom too, so you know how it goes!

Hang out, I will be working on some ideas, new post on Saturday! And don't forget to stop back by to Rock-in Tuesday for your weekly dose of rock! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rock-in' Tuesday

One of my most favorite things in the world are rocks. I have been obsessed with them from as early as I can remember. In grade school I used to stuff rocks from the playground in my pockets to take home. I would wash them, play with them, I had boxes and boxes of rocks.

When I chose my path, stones were one of the first things I gravitated to! I am having so much fun studying stones and cannot wait to start building my collection! Each Tuesday we will take a semi-precious stone and talk about its planetary and element association and a couple of the particular powers it has. I am taking much of my info from Scott Cunningham's 'Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic' as well as Let's get started!!

Amethyst is associated with the planets Jupiter and Neptune and the element of Water. Amethyst is useful in overcoming addictions, psychic abilities, dreams, and peace. It can be worn against the skin to help overcome addictions such as alcoholism.Try keeping a piece of amethyst with your tarot deck to help increase its energy. A piece of amethyst can be placed under the pillow at night to help aid sleep and fend off nightmares.  Cunningham suggests holding a piece of amethyst in your receptive hand (non-dominant hand) and let the stone's calming, peaceful vibrations calm you.

So grab a pretty amethyst and spend some time getting to know it! Let's talk about what reactions you've had to your amethyst!

Just a reminder, I am not a doctor. If you have serious health conditions, you should seek the attention of a licensed medical professional. I truly believe in the power of stones for healing, but I also believe in medical attention when it is necessary.