Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I'm back! It has been a positively bonkers time here in the magick household... The Baptist is working again, which is wonderful. The little magicks and I are adjusting to a new schedule so there have been some bumps in the road but we're back. I have missed writing so much.

So, HI!!! I missed you all!

I have realized that being a baby witchy leaves me with a lot to study and not a lot to write about every post since I am still trying to assimilate each thing I learn. This makes me frustrated, and I don't want to be frustrated any more than I have to be. I have kicked around the idea of scrapping this blog altogether, of changing it to just another mommy blog and leaving out my magick.. And none of that sat well with me. I came up with a plan... I am both magickal and a mommy. Why can't my blog be also? I don't stop being magick while I am being a mom, and I certainly don't stop being a mom while creating magick.

New plan... It's going to be a mash-up of magick mommy mayhem. DIY projects, recipes I am loving, and chat about all things magick. I feel like I will have more to chat about this way and you guys can get to know me from a different perspective, that is if you want to.. :P And I want to get to know you guys! (If you're still out there) I want you to comment, ask me questions, post funny stories... Come be my pal!

I am going to try to stick to a Tuesday, Thursday, one weekend day plan. I don't have seven days of interesting stuff to say, lol. I'll post my first "real" post on Thursday.

See you soon!!

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